What I read over the Summer of 2022

  1. Man’s Search for Meaning [5 stars] — Victor E. Frankl
  2. Fahrenheit 451 [5 stars] — Ray Bradbury
  3. The Road [5 stars] — Cormac McCarthy
  4. Ishmael [4 stars] — Daniel Quinn
  5. The Illustrated Man [4 stars] — Ray Bradbury
  6. Fiber Fueled [4 stars]— Will Bulsiewicz, MD
  7. Better Off Dead [4 stars] — Lee & Andrew Child
  8. The Martian [5 stars] — Andy Weir
  9. The Martian Chronicles [4 stars] — Ray Bradbury
  10. Odd Thomas [4 stars] — Dean Koontz

Not pictured, but also read…

  1. Death Masks (The Dresden Files) [3 stars] — Jim Butcher
  2. The Anarchist’s Workbench [4 stars] — Christopher Schwarz
  3. The Memory of Old Jack [5 stars] — Wendell Berry

It’s quite a varied group of books. Maybe a little too “Martian”-centric for my usual tastes, but it made for an interesting Summer of reading.

As of late, I seem to be on a movie book theme. Something Wicked This Way Comes, Rambo, Jaws, Coraline, etc. It’s been interesting to read the books that produced some iconic movies. Maybe I’ll pick a couple and do a proper review. Or movie comparison…

Yes, those are all affiliate links to the Bezos company (except for “The Anarchist’s Workbench”, which doesn’t sell on the that site). Follow those links and pick one up, I may only get 5 cents out of it, but you’ll get a great book!

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